This position is currently open
Mary Lou Wilcox, Vice President (Summer)
Joined the board in 2015. She designs our clever book sale flyers each month that are full of puns.
Jane Fuerstenau, Vice President (Winter)
Joined the board in 2023. She is the Library Director at Kenai Peninsula College. She chaired the City of Soldotna Library Advisory Board for about 10 years and has been a librarian in our community for more than 20 years.
Pam Joslin, Treasurer
Joined the board in 2020 as treasurer and has been the treasurer ever since. She is a retired CPA, a lifelong Alaskan, and an avid reader. She joined the board to support our library.
Barbara Olson, Secretary/Membership Chair
Joined the board in 2018. She retired from the Kenai Peninsula Borough where she worked in Information Technology (IT). She has been utilizing Soldotna Library services and programs since 1983 and wanted to help the library continue to thrive.
Vicki Johnston-Freese, Bookstore Manager
Joined the board in 2015. She manages a volunteer crew (ages 15-75) who all work to prepare for the monthly Used Book and Art Sales. She is a retired school librarian and part time teacher. She came to Alaska to work in the Kodiak School District in 1979, then spent 2 years at King Cove School District (out in the Aleutians) before coming to Sterling Elementary School. She met her husband of over 40 years as he also worked at Sterling Elementary.
Jane Gabler
Joined the board in 2023. She retired from the Kenai Peninsula Borough as a Planner.
Julie Gottfried
Joined the board in 2025. She is our most recent board member.
Romi Haseo
Joined the board in 2023.